Tips to follow before installing your new lawn

Thinking of laying some fresh turf? Check out these steps beforehand..
It’s predicted to be a particularly warm summer in Perth, WA which means that everyone will soon begin to daydream about spending time barbecuing, swimming, and playing with their kids in their front and back gardens laden with soft and bountiful grass.
Although, if your accidental lack of grass maintenance throughout the past year has left your lawn looking a little sad, or worse, completely unsalvageable, it might be time to consider installing some new turf in time for the warmer season. Luckily for you, Joondalup Turf Farm has an expansive variety of luscious grass available to make that dream a reality!
We have come up with some easy steps to follow when it comes time to install your new lawn:
1. Unearth your existing lawn
When beginning the process of preparing for new lawn turf you must first remove any poor quality turf using solarisation, heavy mulches, the use of a hoe or sod cutter, and the appropriate herbicides.
2. Fix soil grade issues
The next step is to address any existing grade problems before going ahead and throwing any amendments onto the soil. The simple use of a landscaping rake will go a long way in fixing minor issues and usually shouldn’t require the use of heavy equipment from an experienced landscaping contractor.
3. Amend the soil
Completing a soil test will indicate which additives are the most suitable to add to your lawn, after which you can then add fertiliser, organic matter, lime or sulphur. A power tiller will do the trick to work the amendments into the soil, after which you should use a landscaping rake to spread and level it out.
4. Smooth out the soil using a rake
Rake the entirety of the area you’re planning on laying turf over until it is completely smooth. You then water the ground without creating puddles, and allow the soil to dry well before filling the depressions with ground from higher pieces of land. Continue on to roll the prepared soil into a firmer base due to the fact that if you plant soil that is too loose, the grass seeds will fall too deep and die before sprouting to the surface. Finish this step by watering to a depth of 5 or 6 inches two days before beginning planting.
5. Plant new grass
This one is fairly self explanatory but it’s finally time to plant your new turf! After you have visited Joondalup Turf Farm to pickup lawn turf or have gotten it delivered, there are four methods to planting a new lawn that should be next on the agenda. These methods are sodding, seeding, sprigging and plugging. Each of these methods consist of different preparations and a new grass installation technique. Ask a friendly member of the Joondalup Turf Farm team for more information on these methods and which are appropriate for your lawn.
6. New lawn care
The most important thing to remember after installing lawn turf is to plan for its watering needs. You should find out from your turf suppliers exactly how much you should be watering your new grass as over or under watering are the most prominent causes of ‘new lawn failure’. We also suggest limiting play and foot traffic for at least 21 days, as well as not fertilising for around six weeks.
Joondalup Turf Farm can help you refresh your outdoor space
If you’re thinking of installing new lawn at your home, Joondalup Turf Farm can take care of all your needs. We have over 20 years of experience in the turf industry and can assist you with every aspect of the selection and installation process.
Joondalup Turf Farm can also help when it comes to caring for new turf as you receive a complimentary lawn care plan with information on maintaining your new lawn. We are also contactable 7 days a week if you are seeking further advice and assistance.
To learn more about Joondalup Turf Farm’s services, turf varieties, easy delivery and pickup, see our website or contact (08) 9404 7821.