I’ve been a landscape gardeneer for 30 years, I have been buying lawn from Joondalup Turf Farm for a number of years now. The farm provide quality grass and service. The lawn is freshly cut and always of best quality. The best thing about their product is the thickness of the turf. Most other farms cut their lawn shallow providing little soil under the roll, whereas at Joondalup they cut much deeper, so the lawn will not dry out, as the extra soil underneath will hold more moisture.
I’ve laid their soft tip buffalo at my place and it has always looked and performed well, I fertilised just before the winter set in and has maintained its rich green colour through the cold months.
I’ve never had any complaints from customers after laying Joondalup Turf Farm’s lawn. I have even supplied and laid their soft tip lawn for the premier Colin Barnett.
They load and off-load their lawn the old fashioned way, by hand. Which means they can off-load the lawn in different parts of the job site. Whic means moving and laying is made eaier not having to move the lawn from one location from a pallet. IO also like the fact i can turn up and have laen cut at the farm on the day required without the drama, and be on my way