Lawn Installation

How to redo your lawn

Planting a new lawn is a massive task that is best done in multiple stages. It all starts with re-working the most notable and unsightly patches, with an end goal of fixing the remaining areas the following year.
It’s a good idea to begin with small sections rather than the entire lawn so that the job is more manageable. Whether you do it in stages or in one go, the following steps need to be followed in order:

1 – Unearth your existing lawn

Remove any poor-quality turf with a variety of processes that include solarisation, heavy mulches, the use of a hoe or sod cutter, and/or relevant herbicides.

2 – Fix soil grade issues

Existing grade problems need to be addressed before throwing in any amendments to the soil. A landscaping rake will go a long way in fixing minor issues without the use of heavy equipment from an experienced landscaping contractor.

3 – Amend the soil

This is the best time to add fertiliser, organic matter, and lime or sulphur. A soil test will tell you which additives will be most suitable for your particular soil. First use a power tiller to work the amendments into the soil, before using a landscaping rake to level it out.

4 – Smooth out the soil using a rake

Soil preparation for lawn consists of raking the area until it is smooth for replanting. Next, water the ground without creating puddles. Allow the soil to dry well, before filling the depressions with ground from higher pieces of land. Now roll the prepared soil into a firmer base. If you plant in soil that is too loose, the seeds will fall too deep and possibly die before sprouting to the surface. Finish this process by watering the area to a depth of 5 or 6 inches two days before you plant anything.

5 – Plant new grass

It is finally time to plant your new lawn! There are four methods to planting a new lawn: sod, seed, sprigs, and plugs. Each method consists of a different preparation and new lawn installation technique.

6 – New lawn care

After planting your brand new lawn, there is something important to remember: plan for the upcoming watering needs! Knowing how much to water new lawn is extremely important. Overwatering and the lack thereof are the most prominent causes of ‘new-lawn failure’. Also, limit play and foot traffic for at least 21 days. Remember not to fertilise new lawns for at least six weeks. Thereafter, fertilizing new lawn should happen in a small quantity of ½ pound nitrogen/1,000 square feet.

Please contact us if you require any assistance, or professional staff is always happy to help.